Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Very Short Film About Kristin Hersh

This is a beautiful short film / trailer for Kristin Hersh' just released memoir Paradoxical Undressing (released in the U.S. last year as Rat Girl) , about her early days in Throwing Muses.
She plays 'Slippershell', an outtake from her recent solo record Crooked plus it's highlight, 'Flooding', a song that always slaps me in the face whenever I hear it. The version on the record is nice, but when played live 'Flooding' becomes so raw and sad. I personally think it's one of her best songs ever.
Throwing Muses are in the studio now recording an album, Kristin updates via twitter. I can't wait to hear it. There's some studio footage now on vimeo, and especially 'Sunray Venus' sounds good.
Have a look at the film below, it was directed by Jory Hull and produced by Mike Sullo.

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